
Welcome to our EECS 351 project site!

With the constant growth in popularity of image-sharing sites, choice and implementation of image compression plays a big role in appearance. Because of this, we will be exploring different types of image compression algorithms:
⁃ Discrete Cosine Transform
⁃ Fourier Transform
⁃ Haar Wavelet Transform
⁃ Huffman Coding
⁃ Singular Value Decomposition

– Mayla Harp, Jacob Lobbestael, Connor Mackey, and Zane Phillips


Our primary targets in the rubric were (Algorithms + Technical Merit) and (Algorithms + Effort). Secondarily, we targeted (Mathematics and Theory + Technical Merit) and (Mathematics and Theory + Effort).

DSP Tools

The in class tools we used are:
-Fourier Image Transform
-Discrete Cosine Image Transform

The out of class tools we used are:
-Haar Wavelets
-Singular Value Decomposition
-Huffman Coding